Harvest Spin Bike Ride


Saturday, October 9, 2021


10:00 am - 06:00 pm

Join Almaguin in Motion (AIM) as we cycle 100 km on a self-guided ride through South River / Almaguin during the beauty of the fall season. Experience gorgeous views and the bounty of the harvest with local flavours. Other Almaguin rides are scheduled for Saturday September 11th, September 25th, 2021! You can find the details for each of the three dates on our website (link below), along with information regarding must-see businesses, maps, and parking locations. Almaguin Harvest Spin Series Webpage: https://investalmaguin.ca/harvestspinseries/ When you register for any of the three rides you have a chance to win a free lunch valued up to $100 for yourself and your team, we will contact the winner the day before the ride with the prize details. Register at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JDMRTZS