Originally built by Northern Pacific Junction Railroads around 1885, and eventually taken over by the Grand Trunk Railway (and then CN Rail...
Long time local residents Bob Fitzsimmons and Jim Young built the Happy Landing Diner & Service Station in 1938 because at the time, ...
There was once a time when the village of South River was known as the Charcoal Centre of Canada. It was a reputation earned by the small ...
By the 1940s The Standard Chemical Company (which you can read more about on our “Charcoal Town” interpretive panel located at Tom ...
The area surrounding Eagle Lake was once freckled with several different settlements that have, for the most part, since gone the way of the...
Shortly before arriving to the Algonquin Park access point at Kawawaymog Lake while travelling from South River, you’ll leave the ...
The Village of South River became home to a series of hotels in and around the turn of the 20th century, none of which remain standing today...
Machar Township, according to its first official survey, was unsettled in 1875 but that soon changed with Eliher Stewart’s report of “...
Logging rights in the time of Free Land Grants were retained by the lumber barons of the day, which in Machar Township were eventually held ...
Algonquin Heritage No one quite knows exactly how long Eagle Lake has been around for but according to an area historian, Algonquin natives ...
In late fall of 1915 Tom Thomson painted four renowned paintings while camped on the nearest small island on Kawawaymog Lake with friends; ...
Are All of Ontario’s Forests Managed? Sustainable forestry has changed considerably from the times when most Ontario forests were simply ...
The South River Dam was, at one time, known as Dunbar Falls. The South River was once a popular hunting and trapping route for the ...